What do Generation Z designers expect from the workplace ?



By 2025, Generation Z is expected to account for 27% of the total U.S. workforce. The oldest of

this generation was born in 1997. That is to say, many designers of Generation Z have entered

the workplace during the epidemic and started to show their value.




Characteristics of Generation Z Designers

Many Generation Z designers talked about their passion for sustainability, which will be their biggest

motivation when they enter the workplace. Vedyun Mishra of Gensler claimed that many young

designers want to achieve the goal of sustainability, but they don't know how to do it. The company

should help them bridge the gap between expectations and reality.


Generation Z also shows great resource advantages. During the epidemic, many young Americans

have increased their sideline income while working at home and studying. Given these characteristics,

architects and designers of Generation Z are likely to bring pragmatism and minimalism to their






Generation Z will be the most diverse workforce in American history. The Pew Research Institute

found that the majority (52%) of them were non-Hispanic White. Compared with previous

generations, they are more peaceful in gender cognition. About 60% of them believe that more

gender choices should be included in job application forms or online profiles, while only 50% of

the previous generation. In the workplace, they will seek an inclusive, diverse, and fair culture.





Generation Z designers attach great importance to the company's practices in career development,

mental health and social impact. Tarra Kieckhaefer, founder of Network Next Gen, said: "They raised

the issue of work life balance, paid close attention to the boundary between the two, and demanded

high transparency, such as hoping to discuss salary and other issues publicly."


Communication skills with Generation Z


If your employees or partners are architects or designers of Generation Z, please learn more about

them and choose a communication method different from those of previous generations.

(1) Generation Z needs more respect. Please communicate with empathy.

(2) The company's policies need to be more flexible and transparent; For sensitive issues such as

salary, we should prepare to make them public.

(3) The company needs to show its culture of "keeping pace with the times" and tolerance, diversity,

and fairness.

(4) In teamwork, please give Generation Z more autonomy.

(5) The team leader should seek the balance between work and life, rather than blindly asking the

Generation Z partners to make progress.

(6) Gen Z hopes to participate in the project in an all-round way and gain the same recognition as

the employer's brand from work.

(7) Generation Z is closely connected to social media, which will affect their expectations of the brand,

local market, and project completion; Team leaders should give full use of this advantage.