Space Design Solutions- Chatting Zone

As designing Chatting Zone, we have consider how work environment effect chatting resolve. There are connections between people and furnitures, we provide up to five space solutions, clients can choose one base on their needs.

Health and Comfort

After the outbreak of the epidemic, people know more clearly than ever that there is a close relationship between physical environment and health. When people return to the office, they have new requirements for the working environment: Are there too many people in the office? Will the air not circulate? Is open office more infectious? Therefore, it is very important to create a safe, comfortable and secure healthy office environment. For example, it is necessary to equip Height Adjustable Desks and improve employees' creativity by matching office furniture with bright colors. Eliminate the large area of modular working groups, and place desks and chairs of different uses to ensure that employees have more choices, so that employees can work freely in different environments.